Current mood:tired
Susan was up a couple weeks abck to celebrate her sping break. We had lots of fun in spite of me working a few of the days. It was nice to have a guest, and even better to have her here. We ventured out and explored some more of Kentuckiana, including Churchill Downs, the Four Roses Distillery (they give you 140 proof liquor to taste), and a Shaker village (sans Shakers).
Then she left and that sucked.
This blog might be bit disjointed, Coyote Ugly is on and distracting me.
So, back to work. the new schedule year starts April 1, and I official become a domestic dispatcher. Which blows, I'd much rather be an international guy but the stars aligned against me. Anyways, a lovel mountain up near Anchorage sarted spewing ash all over the place. Our world was thrown into chaos. But we had a plan.. the mountain had been rumbling for a while. But when it blew up, there was no plan to be found. So we worke dand made up our own plans.
Then the plan showd up, and things go worse. CLose ANC, reroute all the flights. Well, grand idea.. except all the pilots are in Anchorage. Ooops. But oh well, we muddled through, I relearned how to use the Pacific Organized Tracks (PACOTS), basically highways in the sky that are opened certain hours of the day depending on the direction you're going. The fun part is the re-route the road daily... and remember which way you can go at what time.
Basically, all the little "canned" routes we normally use are no good... so I actually had to do work. it was fun and tiring. And stressful since "they" kept changing things every few minutes. Good times
I"m still playing gym, and I started lcass last Wednesday. It's going ok, what with only one class done. We'll see how it works out.
Otherwise, life is fairly normal. And kind of boring. I'm opening my house for anyone who may be interested in coming to clean. let me know and I'll schedule a time.
Well, it's my Friday but I'm working 2 extra days this week, so I essentially have no Friday. That's sad.
OK, i'm going to tear myself away fom Coyote Ugly and get some sleep. Hope everyone is well! I've been really missing a lot of people and hope to see everyone soon
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