Wow, it really has been 6 months since I've pontificated at length. It seems that I really haven't been doing anything that's remotely interesting, or traveling anywhere exciting, or had excessive amounts of crap to whine about.
Ambergris Cay, Belize |
Well one of those is true. Let's do a brief catch up. Since the last post, I spent a week Ambergris Cay in Belize. Very nice, but don't drink the water. I was slightly disappointed in the beach options, but then again, it was sunny and 80 degrees there and snowing back home. Lucily Iw as able to return just in time for the 950th snow event of the past winter. Seriously, this winter tested my resolve to get out of bed every day.
Last Snow of the year, in April! |
Freedom Baby! |
And then it broke into a beautiful spring weekend intime for the Local St Patrick's parade, celebrated in style with my neighbors and beer kegs. Only one of two permanent scars linger form that. And after that beautiful spring weekend it snowed... again! Then came the blur that was March, with it's madness and Sunday FunDays. That melded right into April with Thunder and waking up to the sound of freedom over Louisville (AKA the Blue Angels arriving in town).
IN there were a couple trips down to visit Atlanta. Then came Derby, and thanx to my work wife I got the hook up for the back side of the track. Nice! Derby weekend was followed by a week of hopping around the country seeing fiends and detoxing... well seeing friends. There wasa trip to Minneapolis, then Atlanta, then West Palm Beach, then San Juan. This whole free travel thing has really spoiled me.
San Juan relazing |
Before I knew it, spring had really come, and then morphed right into summer and it was Memorial Day weekend, just time for n over night trip to see DMB for the 32 time (with my former fake GF), back to work one night, the another overnight trip to ATL for a Braves game... yes, that hectic week ran me straight into June, which resulted in a lot of working until taking off to Milwaukee for a week of more DMB, Drum Corps shows, and historic Harley's with a deer friend (that was intentional). And now it's July and the year is over half over.
Dream Machine |
Somehow in that time Louisville has transitioned from that place where I spend days (or nights really) working between trips "home" to Atlanta... to being home and going to visit Atlanta. It's a weird and creeping change, then you wake up one day and realize it's happened. Not that I don't miss Atlanta, and the people there. But sometimes your surrounds grow on you over time I guess. SO much so, Y'all should come visit!
This was just an quick overview of the past months. A more introspective writing event will follow shortly :-)