Tuesday, August 15, 2006

All over the map, just lost in space with a filthy mind and a choir boy's face

Hello fearless blog readers. I have returned!! (He proclaimed proudly). And i apparently have a much nicer tan then when I left, so thats good. I must say my impression of cruises have been completely reversed. With the right group of people, it can be fun and a good time. I would still rather overnight in some exotic locales (with exotic bars), but there was more than enough alcohol on the boat to occupy me. And the food... imagine a buffett available 24 hours a day... and if u dontt feel like walking to a dining room, 24 hour room service... all paid for... And lets say your at dinner.. and you can't decide between the NY Strip or the Mahi.. well, just get both... it's OK.

So there's lots to write about, lots of impressions of people... and lots of things I wish I hadn't seen, but its all good. In due time I'll put them down on here. Unfortunitely I was unable to hijack the boat... they kept through bars in front me... Sorry to let you down JR.

All in all it was a positive trip... though perhaps I tended to be a bit anti social at times... I just don't like shopping in Mexico... and i found good beer. And I was reminded how much I enjoy swimming in the ocean and being near the sea... I think i was a sailor in a past life. I have an urge to head for a beach again soon... before the tan fades. Anyone interested?

ANd i'm most impressed people are reading this blog... even when I'm not wiritng anything. Again, I'll put more thoughts down soon... as I'm now preparing for tonights Dave Matthews Band Concert.. WOOT!

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