Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton, Ol’ times there are not forgotten

For any random lurkers that may be reading this, or those who just don't know her, go check out the profile for my friend Grace and get to know what she looks like. Then, whenever you may see her in an airport, make sure you ask her a question that has nothing to do with anything a flight attendant does. She loves it when random people ask about random things, and make sure you get upset when she can't tell you the answer you want.

OK, now to the important stuff. I had a great weekend. I got to spend time with Susan, though not enough. We had a bit of a gathering at Adri's, and it was nice to see almost all the old "apartment family" together. A reminder of good times. We also took in the Laser Show at Stone Mountain on Thursday, and its nice to know that for the most part, the show hasn't changed since i went a a youth. It's sill pretty neat and recommend anyone new to the area see it once. I especially enjoy the four wheel drive truck tour of Alabama, because we all know everyone in Alabama drives a huge four wheel drive. The state is lousy with them!

Saturday, after coffee with Grace and J, we spent most the afternoon and evening with TanJoe, and playing with the menagerie of animals they have taken in. Almost makes me want a pet, but I'm sure Susan will acquire one to meet my personality in time.

Of other notes, Jersey is now a proud home owner (or a proud loan owner at the very moment). She has a really great place in New-Nan. More importantly, she was as giddy as a child with a new toy. I haven't seen her so happy in long time, and that makes me a little happy. It also helps me realize that maybe its time I settle down and find a nice place to call my own.

I did have a bit of a realization this weekend, driving from Matt an Molly's Bed N Breakfast to meet Amie for lunch I realized that Peachtree City is not my home anymore. It felt odd, like coming someplace new. You know how when you come home you feel at home, well... PTC finally doesn't feel that way. It's a little odd. I guess I have to claim my old Kentucky Home.

Well, theres much more. If anyone ever needs a nice dinner outing, I'd recommend Tap at 14th and Peachtree. It's very yummy, and more importantly they serve brunch until 4 pm on the weekend, which is good for those of us who have issues rising early on weekends. Also, we revisited the Renaissance Hotel bar for a quick visit with Cha's and some airplane watching.

All in all it was a great weekend, an I do wish I could have spent more time with everyone, but e have a finite amount to spread around. Susan and I did our best, given our despisal (I think I made that word up) of mornings and activities that happen during them. Looks like we'll make a return visit (hopefully) for the weekend of the 4th.

So, now it's back to Louisville and returning to work. I seem to only have a few more weekes of weekends off, so y'all get them in. I think I'm done with classroom training now, and its all various desk training in various parts of the world. So, here we go again. Keep your fingers crossed. it seems, and I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, that I'm blowing through all the tests and challenges with flying colors. Now its to the point that everyone seem to just think I'm already s well experienced and knowledgable (another made up word?) that I don't need the training. Well, believe it or not, I don't know absolutely everything (I hope Susan does read this so I can keep using the argument that I know everything). But nevertheless, I'll just rise to th occasion I suppose and be the best damn dispatcher ever... and then take over the world!

It was great seeing everyone this weekend, hopefully it won't be too long before it happens again.

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