Sunday, June 8, 2008

If I don’t get some shelter, I’m gonna fade away

It's Sunday blog time. I know, I've been slacking keeping everyone up to date on my fabulous life. I apologize. I'll expect they'll be much randomness in this one, so hold on.

Last weekend, I mentioned I went to see a blues show featuring Buddy Guy. Since then, I've been doing to YouTubing and discovered some things about Buddy. He's amazing on the guitar, even in his late 70's. He is also one of the guys who initially inspired Eric Clapton and EC learned from. ANd we all know the legendary skills of slow hand.

But ore importantly, he brought up something in the concert that I found very interesting. I had made this connection long ago when listening to listing to a lot of "classic rock" and then the occasional blues licks... back in high school. It amazed me how much similarity you would find in the guitar riffs of the great bands compared to the those riffs you heard being strummed out by the great bluesmasters. Coincidence, I think not. We all know of the British invasion, when the Beattles, the Animals, and the rest of those Brit rock bands made such a big splash in the 60's playing a new type of music. The ironic part is that new sound coming from England was originated n the US by the great black blues musicians. Yet, I have to think White Amercia at the time was to ingrained in the racism of the day to accept it, for the most part.

So, fat forward to 2008, in a small town vineyard in northern Kentucky. There's a bunch of mostly middle aged white folks jamming out to some old school blues music being played by and old black man. At a time when I'm guessing most these older types were first listening to the "black" music as children, the musicians weren't allowed to drink from the same water fountain. For some reason, that just struck me in the moment. While it's sad that we had such a divide in this country, the land of freedom, it's good to see the America had moved past such stupid inclinations. Well, most of us have. There's still a few hold outs who didn't get the message that Lee surrendered at Appomattox. Now, we're even facing a serious bid at president by a black man. I would have never expected that growing up. And no matter what you think of the politics involved, I think it's a sign of the progress in the society. Unfortunately, not everyone has come around to a modern way of thinking, and thats not just a sign of skin color. Someday, to paraphrase the great Rodney King, maybe we'll all just get along.

OK, enough preachiness. It seems that y former roomie up here in Kentuckiana has fallen on hard times. Namely, he washed out of the training at big brown. He didn't pass his check out and we asked to pursuit a new career endeavor. Couple things about this event that way on my mind. One how he could summarily dismissed so swiftly. I am taking these same tests during the upcoming week, and while I'm not worried I'll fail, it does add a little stress to the process. (Hence I've been reading my manuals at home most the weekend). But my opinion is this was a response to an initial attitude problem (which had improved) and to a lack of knowledge on his part (which can be taught and is no more lacking than some people who have been working there for years). But t sucks to have uprooted your life, moved to a strange city, taken a paycut along with the moving expenses, only to be told no thanx after a year. Guess it shows nothing is guaranteed.

On the upside, looks like I'll get his line and be promoted to full dispatcher, pending my test results. And for some insight to the torture, its one day of written testing, 100 questions. No big deal right? The problem is not getting the answers, even if you know the answers, you have t cite a reference from a manual. SO after you answer the question, you have to go look it up in a book anyways. Its tedious and time consuming. The second day is an oral exam (and not the fun kind of oral). I think it basically goes over the written and what you missed there. I get the feeling its not designed as much to fail you as to help u find problems and show what you need to focus on. The third day (yes, there are three days of testing) is working a desk. Luckily, I'm scheduled to work on a Friday, which has a reduced workload. So if i seem slightly on edge this week, se above for the reason.

ON the upside, I'm off to MSP tomorrow for my fam ride. Why MSP?? Well options were limited and I have a 2 hour break there I can hopefully have dinner with Chandra, the old roommate.

Last night, I took a break from studying and went toa Belmont Stakes party thrown by a co-worker. It was all work type people and it was alot of fun. The house was set up nicely for entertaining, and it was huge. I mean really huge. And all for a single guy. Downstairs, Joe had a well stocked bar, a 50-inch or so flat screen HD tv on one wall, and another 50 inches projection tv in an adjacent room. Did I mention the well stocked bar? After the race (where Big Brown wasn't able to pull it together and pull out a Tripe Crown win, but at least no horses were hurt), the games began. We had a PlayStation three on the flat screen with Rock Band going (I did surprising well as a drummer, but also busted out a stirring rendition of Gimme Shelter on vocals), a Wii on the other big TV with various games going (I tore it up at Badminton and Volley Ball), plus a dat board and cornholing in the backyard. Now, I know what your thinking pervs. Apparently "cornhole" is a northern phenomena that is similar to playing horseshoes, except you have a box with a hole in it, and tossing bean bags (or metal washers). Its huge up hear and they break them out for tailgates, summer parties, and whatever else. Theres just that unfortunate name.

For anyone who would like to see how a top of scale int'l dispatcher lives, check

At any rate, now I want a Wii. Its a blast. and you work up a sweat playing. I see this as a potential birthday/Christmas gift idea for me (of course it needs to come with giant HD TV).

I also am in high level discussions with a potential roommate. ANd as much as I looked forward to living a lone at times, I find I do miss having a roommate. Of course it helped that my roommates have all been awesome people and a lot of fun to hang out with. More on this development as it... develops.

Next weekend, I'm planning (pending test results) to make a journey to see Susan. It's been way to long. Too much has been interfering with us getting together. And the next weekend is big in PTC I hear. I would like to make a humble suggestion, since most everyone who would be affected reads this dribble... or at least they should be. I say we get all dressy and classy looking and head uptown. Details should be ironed out, but I think it could be fun. And we haven't had a dressy group function since the weddings, and some woman in white kept demanding to be center of attention at those things... some people always have to be in the spotlight.

Well, thats all I can think of for today, I'll keep everyone posted on the goings on in the work world.. I know you'll all be waiting on the edge of your seats to hear.

And everyone welcome Ryan back from the Antipodean world. Unless he didn't bring me any VB, then he should be stoned... and not the good kind of stoned.

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