Friday, April 18, 2008

shake, rattle, and rol

Current mood: rockin
I had a new experience this morning. And it was very unexpected and slightly unnerving. Many of you may have heard there was a mild earthquake this morning in the Southern Illinois vicinity. Well, it happened about 5:37 this moring, and even though the center was 130 or so miles away from Louisville, when my desk start vibrating, followed by a perceived one inch shift of everything to the righ. Everything consisted of me, the desk, the computer, the chair, the building, the... well you get the point. After that there was a sort of undulating of the world for a few more seconds.

Those of you who my be out on the left coast are probably going big deal, but the first timeit happens to a southern boy who's recently relocated to the midwest, where these things don't happe, its a bit freaky.

The first impression I had was that a large and highly powered airplane was departing from the airport across the street, In the last week following the air show, there have been a number military aircraft depart, nd seemingly at afterburner. You could feel the building rumble a bit. And that's sort of how it started, and then the shift. About that time everyone in the room started looking around and one astute individual vocalized what we were all thinking... "What the hell was that?!?" The first thought was there had bee something very bad happen across the street, in the form or an explosion. As the world continued to roll and then settle, we finally realized it was not an exploding fuel farm or air disaster

SO, that was my big earthquake story. A big surprise, a slight sensation of vertigo, and a lot of laughs... especially when the local media started the live continuing coverge of what is sure to be known as The Great Quake of 2008.

The morning only got more amusing as we listened to the news station air random calls from people who had been affected. Everything from"I thought a helicopter was hovering low above my house" to "my bed moved across the room". A slight exaggeration I think. I fully expected to ehar reports of a tsunami rolling down the Ohio river and taking out New Albany (no big loss if it did).

I did have to reflect on thing. Since I've been staying in the Kentuckiana area, I've seen tornadoes, floods, a "blizzard", and now an earthquake. I'm outta here if next months if a plague of locusts swarm by or the Ohio river turns to blood.

In order to calm my nerves after the traumatic events of this morning, I've decided to take advantage of a sunny 75 degree day and sit outside and drink beer My alcohol low light has been illuminated for a couple days and needed to be extinguished. And really what more can youask than an Irish pub with outdoor seating and free wi-fi? Well, i could use company, as I seem to be surrounded by lesbians here on the patio... and no the hot kind you see on internet videos.

I seem to be moving past the illness that had me dragging all week, could be a cold or polle, hard to tel. All I know is I felt like crap. But that has passed, I'm in the sun, I have a pint of Stella, and a basket of greasy goodness in the form of onion rings on the way. Life is pretty good.

Don't all of you want to move to Louisville now? This weekend will eb dedicated to finishing the apartment. It's suppose to be very rainy anyways. So blinds will be hung and floors will be swept. Boxes will be disposed of and stuff will finally be put away.

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