Sunday, June 17, 2007

Adventures in Jumpseating..

So, for the record... Cleveland does not rock. What airport has no departing fligths anywhere after 7 pm. And this is a big city??

So, i'm back home safe and sound. I survived the wilds of Australia and the harrowing journey to and fro. And about that journey. Those of you outside the airline business think we employees can just walk up and hop on any plane we see and go for a ride, free of charge. And I'd say you're right about 75% of the time. But as some of our friends have found out, it can be unnerving hanging out in the gate waiting to hear your name called.

But this is about me... The trip down went well enough. On time for the most part, made my connection in Rockhampton for the Qantas flight to Brisbane. Little hassle. Short train ride and I'm at my hostel. Coming home, well... Whiskey Oscar Alfa made a little change in the flight schedule and behold, my intended flight back no longer came to Atlanta, but instead went to Fairbanks. So, now I'm leaving Oz a day early, and if thats not bad enough, I have to go through Cleveland.

Now any Clevelanders who may be reading this, I'm sorry... I just don't like it there. Coupled with our flight got in to late to make any connecting flight to Atlanta, or anywhere for that matter, I was sort of put off. After some checking, the RJ's flying irect to ATL the next morning wereon the fullish side, so my nextoption to ensure passage home, lets goto Akron-Canton airport. After a visit to the transportation center at the CLE airport, I learned there is no transportation anywhere. Then a cursory visit to every rental car agency in the terminal left me with a Hertz supplied SUV for a 45 minute drive down. The lady ebhind the counter was wonderful, and even waved the dropoff fees. There was a breif flritation of just driving the rental home, but I decided after about 24 hours of being in transit, ireally didn't to endure that. That and I really desired a shower.

Of to Akron it is, found a nice hotel room for the night. Such a cleansing experience it was, I suddenly felt I didn't stink. After dinner and a few hours sleep, I was on the first Airtran bound for Atlanta. Now I'm here.

And while there is a bit of hassle in having to deal changing your travel plans last minute, it worked out well. And all in all, I did only pay about $300 for a roundtrip ticket to Brisbane. And most of it in first class or better.

So, once I'me rested a bit and all the hassle of returning home is handled, I'll through up some blogs about being gone. I actually bought a notebook and would occasionally write some thoughts down, and perhaps I'll put them up here... if I can interpret my own handwriting.

As you can see from the new photo, I have a new friend. I think her name was Malawi, though I'm not sure of the spelling. She's very cute and cuddly and a real treat. I have put some other pictures and a couple short videos on my photobucket site ( ) for your browing pleasure. Look in the Brisbane and surrounds folder.

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