Friday, May 23, 2008

Lift my days, light up my nights

I was told by a faithful reader that I've been leting him down with my blogs. Basically I'm not providing enough reading material for said individual to waste his day with. Mind you he's never written blog himself, but apparently I'm supposed to keep him enraptured with my literary musings. Is that all I'm here for? Is this what you wanted?? Are you not amused???

In truth, I've been fairly slack with these things of late. Every now and then during the day I have great ideas about things to write about, but I'm conveniently no where near a computer (at least one with Myspace access) when these strokes of brilliance occur. That and being mostly happy keeps the bitching down. Though I'm fairly pissed off at a couple of entities out there, and I'm working through that. Note for anyone who may be using DirecTV, should you decide to end your service (and in my opinion everyone should because they are the devil in cable tv form to paraphrase Grace) make sure you hold on to that receiver. They may tell you 10 times they don't want it back, but 2 months later they'll change there position and demand payment.

This weekend is a far cry from last, looks to be slow and quiet. I think i like the fast and loud weekends better. I was contemplating a getaway for the holiday, but since I'm financially lacking and didn't feel like visiting a fabulous location alone, I've decided to stay in and count the number of individual boards that comprise my hardwood floor.

Apparently theres some sort of election thing going on. Anyone else seen this? Haven't we already picked the next president that's going to raise my taxes? I could have swore we did. Oh well, I'm sick of elections. I know now why theres such voter apathy in this country. By the time the election actually roles around, we're so tired of hearing the crap being spewed at us that we don't care and just want it over. I can only hope we have some dispute in November so the election can be dragged on and on until we the people decided to secede and form individual fifedoms in our homes.

Well, I would au I have things to go do, but that would be a lie. I am getting hungry and I don;t feel much like cooking. I've obtained a Foreman grill and for those bachelor (or bachelorette) types out there, its pretty spiffy. I think they say it's also suppose to be healthy in some way but I don't really concern myself with that part. And it beats a real grill outside, though it lacks the "I'm chancing a conflagration and burning down the house" excitement.

I have 2 more weeks of training at work, but as the missing girl has decided to return to work, I'm not going to end up with the upgrade I had hoped for. Turns out though the work Susan came back with a better, more cheery attitude. It seems the disability leave was to remove the stick from her ass. But at least I'll have OT opportunities. My trainer this week pretty much just let me do what I wanted. SO essentially I was working the desk, he was surfing the internet and there for questions. I took the time wednesday night to send the flights on routes around this large solid line of trailer park killing thunderstorms, just so the pilots could take off, disregard and fly directly toward them. SO instead of flying over Witchita and through nice clean air, the ende dup going the long way around to South Dakota and flying in crap. The next night, similar thing, and this time I only had one do it. Its fun to watch thm fly toward the storms, and about 100 miles or so from it seem them turn suddenly and go the way I told them to. Silly pilots

I was also accused of being a "superstar," so much for my low profile. Apparently I have a bsic understanding of geography that one of the trainees lack... who knew Tulsa and Toledo were so far apart? He didn't. But I won't brag, I occasionally do something stupid. I'm just better at recovering and covering it up.

Well, time for food... I hope Ryan is happy now... the little bitch is flying to Australia this weekend and complains about not having my blog to read. Mixed up priorities I think. :-)


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