Wednesday, January 9, 2008

You’ll never drink alone down there, good god I feel at home down there

So I'm indulging in one of my more ricockulous pleasures... watching The Real World. If any of you missed the MTV show of spoiled people who seem to have model-esque good looks and incredibly slutty tendencies, this season the sent them t Sydney. Everyone surely knows of my love affair with that city. And the main reason I watched so much of this season was the scenery brought back good memories. And maybe for the drama queen cat fights... the girls were pretty bitchy too.

I just relaized they didn't have an angry black man or flaunting homosexual.. or a combinaton of the two, on this season. Ratings will be low.

Ayways, the final episode is on, and they all were just shot having some grub and singing with the band at a wonderful irish pub called The Mercantile Hotel. Now, I spen a fair amount of time and money in this place. I sent two people there when they went down. I think Joe got laid and Ryan called me to proclaim it was the greatest pub on earth. Though I think his decision may have been influenced by the Vic Bitter. I'll never tell what all I did!

I met my ex-fiancee there. Well, I guess it's my twice Ex'd fiancee there since we broke it off twice now. And luckily, Gaie is still a good pal and has been a fabulous adviser over the past 6 years.. wow, has it been that long. And she was always very accomodating o my drunk dialing her late at night.. which I suppose was made more palatable b it being middle of the afternoon there.

So, here's to special places and interestin friends. Amazingly, acocrding to Ryan.. they still remember me there. If any of my loyal readers make it to Sydney, head down to the Rocks and have a VB at the Merc!!

PS.. I proofread the subject line, happy Grace?

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