Friday, December 21, 2007

First, the airing of grievances

First, the airing of grievances
Current mood: ninja
It's 4 days to Christmas and I'm almost completely done shopping. One more item to picj up, and then after that.. wrap it up! 'm bck home in beautiful Metropolitan Peachtree City, and once again squeezing a ton of activites into a short period.

This morning I did my great good Christmas deed, Rushing Grace to the airport to make her flight. Everyone seems to be leaving town today. I go tomorrow, always a littl behind as usual. But yes, after her stressful morning, We got Grace sent off.

I also tried to get Jersey sent off, but as of the last report her plane was delayed because the mechanice wasn't signing something. Good times!

Other than that, not much happening, I discovers yesterday my brother and I are giving mom the same gift fo christmas. So she has 2 of them. At least its an item one can have two of and not be too strange. I guess great minds do think alike, or we both arrived at the same conclusion that mom has almost everything so theres a very limited selection of gifts.

I have just finished wrapping most all the gifts, and noticed that all the items currently wrapped up are for females. Susan, Grace, and the nieces. Guys just don't tend to buy things fr otehr guys. Well, not completely true, I did pick up a couple items for the roommates. I think I may have grown up a little. I remember being a child and thinking it was so great tog et all the free toys. Now, ost my enjoyment comes from getting things for the people around me, and hopefully bringing a smile to their faces. So i suppose I've come around to beleiving that it is better to give than receive.

However, I don't want anyone to get the impression I don't enjoy receiving Christmas presents!!!

Other than that, I want everyone to have a safe season on the airways and highways.

And for those people out there who are bent on the political correctness, I want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh (though its over), Joyous Kwanzaa, and a Happy Festivus!

Later Kids!

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